Ka hiahia pea koe ki te patai:
1. He aha te rahi o te ipu horoi horoi?
Whaa whakamaroke Rihi Tiango
Rahi takai: 14.1 x 12.4 x 2.6 inihi
Rahi Roha:14.1 x 12.4 x 8.0 inihi
Peeke Horoi Tirohia
Rahi takai: 14.1 x 12.4 x 2.6 inihi
Rahi Roha:14.1 x 12.4 x 5.1 inihi
2. Kei te haumaru tenei taputapu horoi horoi Tirohia?
Whakautu: Ae, he pai te whakamahi i te ipu horoi Tirohia i roto i te horoi rihi.
3. He BPA-kore tenei ipu horoi Tirohia?
Whakautu: Ae, he mea hanga to tatou ipu horoi Tirohia mai i te papanga BPA-kore kai-kore.
4. Ka taea e koe te tuku i te kete whakarite mo te ipu horoi Tirohia?
Whakautu: Ae, ka taea e matou te tuku i te otinga kete kua whakaritea mo te ipu horoi Tirohia.Pērā i te pouaka tae, pouaka PVC, pouaka koha, etc.
5. Kei te tuku ratonga tapanga motuhake koe mo te ipu horoi Collapsible?
Whakautu: Ae, ka taea e matou te whakarite i to tohu mo te ipu horoi Tirohia.
6. Kei hea te ipu horoi Tirohia?
Whakautu: He mea hanga ki Haina.100% te kounga o te kounga.